Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Flirt and be intimated with a guy

Well all women are not same and if they want to fall into an intimate relationship with any male, with whom you desperately want to get involved you can use your bodily gestures. These bodily gestures are like a hidden weapon in a women’s armory which she is just unaware off. It’s a true fact that in any casual relationship  when two like minded people get attracted towards each other, they try to copy the bodily gesture of the other. So, if you find attracted towards a guy, you may notice that you try to copy his bodily gestures as a part of flirting habit. Always try to draw the attention of the guy towards you through your bodily gestures; for example, if the guy is sitting with his left leg crossed over the right one, you also sit like him. Whenever he is around you whether dating others or in a picnic party, tries to look at him while talking to others. This will really make this guy started feeling for you.
Well, it’s one example of how you can use your bodily gestures in the right way to attract, flirt and at the same time be intimated with a guy, for whom you are strongly feeling for from your core of your heart. Well there are many more guidance’s to be followed. These are as follows:

  • Physical Touch: The physical touch plays a lot of tricks in the mind of these intimacy relationships when they are with a woman like you. While dating that UK man when you simply put your hand over him, he would get attracted towards you like magic. Whenever you come closer to your man and touch his hand you may sense the feeling of love and a feeling of meeting for sex in london.

  • Be yourself:  Intimate relationship is like two way traffic. You can’t force a man to fall into an intimacy relationship, if he is unwilling to do so. If that the situation, be within yourself and would take it as per your fate and continue the relationship through flirting. Whenever, he gets attracted towards you, there lies the chance for you to impress him and fall into an intimacy relationship. Positive attitude, positive body language doesn’t work all the time;

  • Personality: Personality of every individual is not the same. Thus, the nature and style of flirting differs from one individual to another. What one likes may be dislike for the other. So, your approach towards this guy would be to know his liking first via dating, and once you are sure about the pulse of his heart, flirt with him and he would never mind you’re flirting and then slowly and steadily fall in an intimate relationship. Avoid a change in your nature. Be within yourself and don’t change according the wish of others. The guy may like you in your simple way and this style may make him arrogant. On the other, hand in trying to impress, you might not feel relaxed and confident from inside;

Well these are some of the guidance as how to flirt and be intimated towards a guy.

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